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    DoL to Further Emphasize Secondary Education with Credit Hours Counted Toward Proposed Career & Technical Education Model?

    Based on that we know about the proposed Career & Technical Education (CTE) model, the Department of Labor agrees with GoSprout’s vision of pre-apprenticeships flowing seamlessly into registered apprenticeships as the best single method for improving equity and outcomes for our nation’s youth. But in this model, both secondary and post-secondary apprenticeship courses and training are part of a new “CTE Apprenticeship.”

    As you may already know, GoSprout powers both and makes the coordination between secondary and post-secondary education providers simpler.

    We’ll dive into what the DoL has to say about this model and how those credits attained during high school can be even more valuable as a student moves into post-secondary education and then a well-paid job in the community.

    What Is the Proposed CTE Model for Registered Apprenticeships?

    You may have missed this proposal to update the regulations around registered apprenticeships with all of the more press-worthy news from the DoL and White House executive order focused on helping RAPs proliferate.

    What’s being proposed makes a CTE apprenticeship a rigorous program:

    • CTE apprenticeships require both related training instruction and on-the-job training
    • Instruction must include a minimum of 540 hours of “CTE-apprenticeship related instruction” of which ate last 12 post-secondary credit hours must be included (3 semester long college courses that would cover 360 of the 540 required hours)
    • The related training must include state-approved courses.
    • CTE apprentices would need to complete at least 900 hours of on-the-job training.

    So these are serious programs that can be started in high school but must be completed in college.

    How Are CTE Apprenticeships Different from Registered Apprenticeships?

    There are many similarities from a goals perspective between the two types of programs but there are some differences in how they are administered.

    The CTE model requires more related instruction and less OJT than a registered apprenticeship model.

    The CTE model eliminates the need for a pre-apprenticeship program to be created to feed into a RAP because it can span secondary and post-secondary education.

    Sponsor eligibility for CTE apprenticeships is wider. School districts, colleges, and universities can provide that function or delegate it.

    The focus of CTE apprenticeship is more on particular industries, which the proposed program argues is more appropriate than focusing on specific occupations given participants are likely to be younger workers overall.

    Are CTE Apprenticeships Intended to Replace Pre-Apprenticeships and RAPs?

    The proposal does not suggest that CTE’s replace RAPs. States are not required to use a CTE model in the future nor are they incentivized to close pre-apprenticeship programs that already exist.

    For schools that do wish to create a CTE apprenticeship program, they’ll need to register it with the appropriate state agency in order to access Perkins funding.

    Are CTE Reporting Requirements Different from RAPs?

    Similar to RAPs, CTE reporting requirements are rigorous. CTE sponsors must report on apprentice outcomes such as what they do when they leave program.

    For schools and employers who looked at RAPs with trepidation due to the administration and coordination challenges, GoSprout’s apprenticeship tracking software streamlines the whole CTE launch and administration process as well.

    Does the CTE Proposal Impact RAPs Directly?

    Interestingly, the proposed legislation does define “Youth Apprenticeship” and it does maintain that RAPs can enroll students as young as 16 years old.

    So truly CTE is an alternative model that is not an attempt to replace the RAP model at this time.

    With all of the emphasis apprenticeship proliferation at the federal level this year, don’t be surprised if further clarification becomes available as both DoL and White House mandates start be fulfilled by the various federal agencies and those with whom they contract.

    How Does GoSprout Help a Sponsor Launch a CTE Apprenticeship

    With existing modules for preapprenticeship and registered apprenticeship administration and coordination, GoSprout already has the backbone for CTE administration. Moreover, Founder Carlos Vazquez is a huge believer that getting high school kids on a path to gainful employment in an in-demand industry is a huge way to build equity. Learn more in his interview about GoSprout’s origin.

    So we’re tracking the proposal closely. Given our commitment to making the nation’s most comprehensive apprenticeship tracking software, we’re committed to offering CTE administration should the proposal become a reality.

    In the meantime, we would love to show you how you we help employers, RTI-provider schools, and RAP sponsors launch RAPs and pre-apprenticeship programs under the existing model.

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