Looking to Offer High School Students Pathways to Well-Paid Jobs in the Community?
Take advantage of a free consultation with GoSprout’s team of work-based learning experts. If you need formal guidance on the design and launch of your pre-apprenticeship program, we’re happy to provide you with a proposal for your program development.
*Access to GoSprout’s world-class pre-apprenticeship, internship, and registered apprenticeship platform is free for educational institutions.
Two Ways to Get Started:
Send Us a Note
Too early for a live conversation? Send us your questions and our Miami-based team will be happy to provide general guidance by email on program launch, streamlining, grants & other common questions.
Book a Free Consultation & Demo
Have some ideas together? Run them by us. We founded GoSprout to drive the proliferation of work-based learning, so take advantage. If it makes sense, we’ll show you around our tools as well.
GoSprout’s Pre-Apprenticeship Management Platform Is Part of Our Broader Work-Based Learning Suite of Products & Services
From our headquarters in Miami-Dade, we’ve been pioneers in the work-based learning space. With our consulting services, pre-apprenticeship management, & internship management platform, we’re happy to help your school and community develop the programs you need today to graduate the workforce you need tomorrow.
Features that Employers & High Schools Love
With GoSprout, you and your community partners can put administration on autopilot so you can focus on helping students grow the skills they need as the workforce of tomorrow.
Set Program Standards
Pre-apprenticeships are most effective when students love what they’re doing and employers see the talent they want developing in their local communities.
Create the the goals and standards to keep everyone happy.
Get Automated Alerts
Real-time alerts reduce administrative time and allow you to solve critical issues quickly.
Stay in the know on when and where your standards and goals are on track and where they aren’t.
Configure Pre-Apprentice Application Process
Set the right tone for your programs before students even get started and be sure they know what they’re signing up for.
Track Skill Development
Be sure students are logging the hours needed and showing aptitude in the skills they are developing and help employers see their progress.
Track Credit Requirements
Make it easy for students to track time and administrators to track progress towards class credits.
Automate Reporting & Compliance
With the industry’s favorite mobile app in the hands of students, keeping students on track and being sure they log their hours becomes a breeze.
And with robust reporting for both schools and employers, everyone can see who will be moving into registered apprenticeships around the corner.