Download: Scaling Registered Apprenticeship Programs through Improved Technology Infrastructure

    Thanks for Having Us, Miami Tech Works

    Here at GoSprout, we continue to be thrilled with the response and support we’re receiving from others in the education community that share our vision of solving our nation’s talent gap via making registered apprenticeships simple to both launch and manage.

    Our travels have taken us to Denver and Puerto Rico recently, but we’re also very proud of how much support we’re receiving in our own backyard.

    We were thrilled to be invited to present last week at the Miami Tech Talent Coalition meet-up hosted by Miami Tech Works.

    What Is the Miami Tech Talent Coalition All About?

    According to Refresh Miami, “The Miami Tech Talent Coalition is an industry-led, tech-sector partnership that brings together a critical mass of business leaders with education and training providers to align academic programs with the actual needs of the tech industry.”

    And we were thrilled to be invited. Although we have employers and sponsors creating registered apprenticeship programs in numerous fields, software engineering, AI and other tech-oriented apprenticeships are very popular in the Miami-Dade area.

    What About Miami Tech Works?

    Miami Tech Works is an initiative led by Miami Dade College that is backed by $10 million in funding from the Good Jobs Challenge and The Economic Development Administration.

    The goal is to bring alignment to the local ecosystem. With RTI provider schools creating programs to graduate local youth with the tech skills that are in demand, employers are better-served and can keep their hiring within the community.

    What Was the Group Interested in Learning from GoSprout?

    Like many education-oriented groups, Miami Tech Works and their participating employers and sponsors know all about the benefits of registered apprenticeship programs.

    They want to hire from the local population. They want local schools to be the Related-Training Providers. And they want a steady stream of qualified workers joining their ranks and filling their knowledge gaps.

    Where GoSprout comes into the picture is helping all the stakeholders understand how they streamline the registered apprenticeship creation and management process.

    To receive the government benefits, programs must register and then be compliant, which requires filing and coordination between Sponsors, RTI Provider Schools, and Employers. Journeyworkers are tasked with mentoring apprentices. That’s a lot to manage with email and spreadsheets.

    Not surprisingly, the Coalition attendees, including CareerSource Florida, were thrilled to learn that someone had tackled the coordination and compliance aspect with a robust SaaS application, and based in their community no-less.

    Bridget Schraeder from our partnerships team gave a wonderful presentation.

    How GoSprout Resources Are Available to Members of the Coalition?

    For Coalition members and others in Miami and nationwide, guided tours of the platform are available daily.

    We’re excited to see a number of registered apprenticeships in the Miami area already moved into the GoSprout system for administration with more on the way.

    What’s Around the Corner for the Two Teams?

    The future is bright for GoSprout and Miami Tech Works. With two teams that love to foster innovation and help local youth and adults get the education they need to take advantage of great-paying jobs in the area, there’s only opportunity to do more together.

    Check back here for more updates on apprenticeship programs in the Miami area.

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      We'll show you how GoSprout simplifies the Apprenticeship Management process and provides Managers, Apprentices, and HR with critical data and lifecycle management.

      Miami, FL

      (305) 209-3353