Download: Scaling Registered Apprenticeship Programs through Improved Technology Infrastructure

    Sponsors Can Do Even More for Employers & Other New GoSprout Features

    We know product updates might not be the most exciting thing in the world to most people but they are to us. At GoSprout, our mission is see RAPs proliferate across the United States and help more of our nation’s youth escape poverty via a great, debt-free education that leads directly to an in-demand job.

    If you know the history of Registered Apprenticeships, you also know that tons of stakeholders want that vision to be a reality as well but haven’t launched their programs because they are just too complex to manage in a compliant way.

    But that’s why Founder Carlos Vazquez started GoSprout in the first place. And the beauty of technology is that once you identify a set of problems and solve them with great technology, you can then tackle the next set of problems based on what your early adopters have to say.

    If you haven’t heard what our early-adopters have to say, be sure to read our interview of Radiance Solar’s Serena Strickland. She and other early adopters have been loving what they can do and asking us to help with even more capabilities. And of course, we’re happy to oblige.

    So please read on for what’s new in our apprenticeship management solution.

    Sponsors Can Now Manage Workflows for Partners

    This feature is for apprenticeship sponsors who really want to take the lead in the ecosystem of stakeholders involved with the apprenticeships they sponsor, so they can manage apprenticeship employers and RTI-providing school users as part of the platform now and help alleviate some of the work for other parties that may be newer to registered apprenticeships.

    Apprentices Can Now Be Registered for Multiple Course at the Same Time

    This is purely an administrative power up. Often, an apprenticeship will require completion of multiple courses at the same time. This feature just makes it easier to administer lists of apprentices and be sure they can quickly be put in the right courses.

    More Flexible Course Completion Criteria

    Course by course, the way to ensure success varies. Some courses need apprentices to simply log hours doing tasks that need to be committed to memory.

    Other courses are more academic in nature where specific classes unfold over a set schedule. An electrical apprenticeship would have both types of courses, for example.

    Either way, GoSprout has your apprenticeship tracking covered with the flexibility to specify how progress and completion are tracked course by course.

    New Sponsor Dashboard with Branding & Streamlined Navigation

    You’ve heard us say our mission is to streamline apprenticeship management many times. We take that seriously at the macro level but also at the micro level.

    With this update, we eliminated extra clicks and made the platform more intuitive.

    We also added brandable elements because we want all stakeholders to feel like they are a part of something really important…and they are!

    What’s Next?

    Be on the lookout for another feature update next month and if you’re already using GoSprout, don’t be shy about making requests. We love to make life even easier for our community members so reach out anytime!

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      We'll show you how GoSprout simplifies the Apprenticeship Management process and provides Managers, Apprentices, and HR with critical data and lifecycle management.

      Miami, FL

      (305) 209-3353